
Firefox 3 Beta 5 crashes

I just upgraded from Firefox 3 Beta 4 to Beta 5. It’s amazing how unstable Beta 5 is compared to the earlier version. Gmail crashes. Google maps crashes. Almost every other site I visit crashes. And looks like I’m not alone: doing a Google search for “Firefox 3 beta x crash” shows a consistently increasing number of results.

Number of Google search results for Firefox 3 Beta crashes, by Beta version

Update (8/Apr/08): As the comments rightly point out, this could simply be because more people use Beta 5. Here’s the number of Google hits for “Firefox 3 Beta x” — and it shows a clear increasing trend.

Number of Google search results for Firefox 3 Beta, by Beta version

So, adjusting for this, here’s the relative crash frequency:

% of Firefox 3 Beta crash mentions on Google, by Beta version

Beta 5 still stands out.

Maybe Google search results are not a good proxy. Maybe the mention of “crash” doesn’t indicate the software itself crashing. But it sure crashes a lot more for me.

Ivory sculptures

Ivory sculptures at the Guangzhou Chen Family Temple. The first two, especially, have spheres within spheres within spheres… which looks impossible to carve.

Intricately carved ivory at the Chen Family Temple Intricately carved ivory at the Chen Family Temple

Intricately carved ivory at the Chen Family Temple Intricately carved ivory at the Chen Family Temple


John Resig has written a Sparklines library. Here’s an example. I wrote that HTTP download speeds not linear and that they flatten out over time. A linear line would look like this: The little red line here is a sparkline that’s based on real data. John’s javascript converts the data into a graph.

Sparklines were introduced by Edward Tufte.

How to access Gmail even if it is blocked

If you just want to check if you have new mail on Gmail, use Google’s personalised home page and add Gmail to the homepage. This shows new mail and a few words as a snippet.

If you want to read your mail, and don’t want to forward it to another account, use Google Groups as a backup to Gmail. Create a private Google Group and forward mails from Gmail to it. Google Groups often is not blocked, even if Gmail is.

Justin TV

The Truman Show is on for real, on Justin.TV.

Justin wears the camera 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Even in the bathroom. Even on a date.

This is really live. Honest. Right now.

Justin will wear the camera until the day he dies. By which we mean if he takes it off, we’ll kill him.

The show has been on for 9 days till date.